

Bruce, C., Davis, K., Hughes, H., Partridge, H., and Stoodley, I. (eds.) Information experience: approaches to theory and practice. (Library and Information Science, Volume 9). Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Book chapters

Fitzgerald, A., Leach, T., Davis, K., Martin, N., & Dunlop, S. (In press). Informal spaces for STEM learning: STEM Clubs. In A. Fitzgerald, C. Haeusler, & L. Pfeiffer (In press). STEM Education in Primary Classrooms: Unravelling Contemporary Approaches in Australia and New Zealand. Routledge.

Nguyen, L. C., Davis, K., Abdi, E. S., Thorpe, C., Henry, K. & Partridge, H. (2020). Expectations, experiences, and preferences of students in a dual mode program: a thematic analysis. In: Handbook of research on creating meaningful experiences in online courses. Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design.IGI Publishing (IGI Global), Hershey, PA, United States, pp. 248-269.

Bruce, C., Davis, K., Hughes, H., Partridge, H., & Stoodley, I. (2014) Information experience: contemporary perspectives. In Bruce, C., Davis, K., Hughes, H., Partridge, H., & Stoodley, I. (eds.) Information experience: approaches to theory and practice. (Library and Information Science, Volume 9).Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 3-16.

Bruce, C., Davis, K., Hughes, H., Partridge, H., & Stoodley, I. (2014) Information experience: new perspectives and research directions. In Bruce, C., Davis, K., Hughes, H., Partridge, H., & Stoodley, I. (eds.) Information experience: approaches to theory and practice. (Library and Information Science, Volume 9).Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 315-320.

Gunton, L., Bruce, C., & Davis, K. (2014) Information literacy research: The evolution of the relational approach. In Du, J. T., Zhu, Q., Koronios, A. (eds.) (2014) Library and Information Science Research in Asia-Oceania: Theory and Practice. IGI Global, Hershey PA: IGI Global, pp. 82-101.

Journal articles – refereed

Davis, K., Fitzgerald, A., Power, M., Leach, T., Martin, N., Piper S., Singh, R., & Dunlop, S. (In press). Understanding quality learning and teaching in STEM clubs: What does the evidence base tell us? Studies in Science Education.

Miller, F., Davis, K. & Partridge, H. (2019). Everyday life information experiences in Twitter: A grounded theory. Information Research, 24(2).

Kitto, K., Lupton, M., Davis, K. & Waters, Z. (2017). Designing for student-facing learning analytics. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(5), pp. 152-168.

Smeaton, K., Bruce, C., Hughes, H. & Davis, K. (2017). The online life of individuals experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage: how do they experience information? Information Research, 22(3).

Smeaton, K. & Davis, K. (2014) Using social media to create a participatory library service: an Australian study. Library and Information Research, 38(117), pp. 54-76.

Waha, B. & Davis, K. (2014) University students’ perspective on blended learning. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 36(2), pp. 172-182.

Smeaton, K. & Davis, K. (2014) Social technologies in public libraries: exploring best practice. Library Management, 35(3), pp. 224-238.

Mulatiningsih, B., Partridge, H., Davis, K. (2013). Exploring the role of Twitter in the professional practice of LIS professionals: a pilot study. Australian Library Journal, 62(3), pp. 204-217.

Willis, J., Davis, K., & Chaplin, S. (2012). Sociocultural affordances of online peer engagement. Journal of Learning Design, 6(1), 45.

Davis, K., Hallam, G., Davis, W., Fairbairn, K., Henry, K., & Heidelberger, E. D. (2012). Connecting across continents: collaborative learning in a Web 2.0 world. New Library World, 113(9/10).

Bunce, S., Partridge, H., Davis, K. (2012). Exploring information experience using social media during the 2011 Queensland Floods: a pilot study. Australian Library Journal, 61(1),pp. 34-45.

Davis. K. (2007). AskNow Instant Messaging: innovation in virtual reference. Australian Library Journal, 56(2), pp. 152-174.

Journal articles – non-refereed

Gunton, L. & Davis, K. (2012). Beyond broadcasting: customer service, community and information experience in the Twittersphere. Reference Services Review, 40(2).

Howard, Z. & Davis, K. (2011). From Solving Puzzles to Designing Solutions: Integrating Design Thinking into Evidence Based Practice. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 6(4).

Conference papers – refereed

Kitto, K., Lupton, M., Davis, K. & Waters, Z. (2016). Incorporating student-facing learning analytics into pedagogical practice. ASCILITE 2016: 33rd International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, Adelaide, Australia. 28 to 30 November 2016. [Best paper]

Hallam, G., Davis, K., Davis, W., Fairbairn, K., Henry, K., Heidelberger, E. D., & Guter, T. (2012). Preparing for work in a rapidly changing environment: Student collaboration across the Web 2.0 world. BOBCATSSS 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 23-25 January 2012.

Davis, K. & Partridge, H. (2011). Apps and attitudes: towards an understanding of the m-librarian’s professional make-up. The Third International m-libraries Conference, Brisbane, Qld. 11-13 May 2011.

Davis, K. & McDonald, C. (2010). ICT as core business: will we prosper or drown? VALA2010, Melbourne, Vic. 9-11 February 2010.

Davis, K. (2009). Conversation, community and kids: blogging for youth at Gold Coast City Council Libraries. Information Online 2009, Sydney, N.S.W. 20-22 January 2009.

Davis, K. (2008). Be my buddy: IM and the future of virtual reference. VALA2008, Melbourne, Vic. 5-7 February 2008.

Conference papers – non-refereed

Davis, K. & Howard, Z. (2011). Redesigning evidence based practice for wicked problem solving. EBLIP6: Valuing knowledge and expertise, Salford, Greater Manchester, U.K. 27-30 June 2011. [Best paper]

Conference presentations

Maybee, C.,Sayyad Abdi, E.,Davis, K., Conrad, L. (2019). Information experience: A domain and object of study. ASIS&T.Melbourne, Australia, October 2019.

Fitzgerald, A., Davis, K., Leach, T., Martin, N., Piper S., & Power, M. (2019). Starting a STEM club. Department of Education STEM teachers’ symposium, Brisbane, Australia. 26-27 September 2019.

Fitzgerald, A., Leach, T., Davis, K., Martin, N., Piper S., & Power, M. (2019). A toolkit for STEM club development and implementation: process and product. Annual Australasian Science Education Research Association Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand. 2-5 July 2019.

Fitzgerald, A., Leach, T., Davis, K., Martin, N., Piper, S., & Dunlop, S. (2018). STEM Clubs: Inspiring quality STEM learning. Deakin STEM Education Conference, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. 14-16 November 2018.

Fitzgerald, A., Davis, K., Dunlop, S., Leach, T., Martin, N., & Piper, S. (2018). STEM Clubs: Inspiring quality STEM learning and teaching. Teacher Symposium 2018: Schools of the future: Transforming STEM education in Queensland, Kelvin Grove, Australia. 27-28 September 2018.

Davis, K. (2018). We need to talk about information experience in a post truth world. Asia Pacific Library and Information Conference, Gold Coast, 30 July – 10 August 2018.

Davis, K., Partridge, H. & Hughes, H. (2017). Belonging to the sisterhood: the role of community and connectedness in new mothers’ information experience in social media. Digital Intimacies Symposium, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia. 13-15 November 2017.

Sayyad Abdi, E., Davis, K. & Partridge, H. (2016). ‘Information Experience’ as a research object:  What to research? How to research? Where to apply? RAILS 2016: Research Applications in Information and Library Studies, Wellington, New Zealand. 6 to 8 December 2016.

Davis, K. (2015). Flipping out and connecting up: transformed roles for academic libraries in transformed education. Information Online 2015, Sydney, N.S.W. 2-5 February 2015.

Smeaton, K. & Davis, K. (2014). Is it Tweet-worthy? Privacy in a time of sharing. VALA2014, Melbourne, Vic. 4-6 February 2014.

Davis, K. (2014). Visualisation: VALA L Plate session. VALA2014, Melbourne, Vic. 4-6 February 2014.

Howard, Z., Davis, K., Partridge, H. & Yates, C. (2013). Refining the blend: LIS educator perspectives on blended learning for dual mode cohorts. Australian Information Education Symposium, Melbourne, Australia. 17 June 2013.

Davis, K. & Gunton, L. (2012). Information experience in social media spaces: emerging research and what it means for information professionals. Intelligent Information Symposium, Sydney, Australia. 3-4 May 2012.

Davis, K., Partridge, H., Howard, Z. & Yates, C. (2011). Changing needs, changing directions: ‘Blending’ blended learning with a dual mode cohort. The Sixth International Blended Learning Conference: From Innovation to Institutional Enhancement: Operating in Challenging Times, Hertsfordshire, U.K. 15-16 June 2011.

Davis, K., Partridge, H., Howard, Z., Yates, C. & DuBroy, M. (2011). Librarians for the real world: revisioning teaching and learning at QUT. Information Online 2011, Sydney, N.S.W. 1-3 February 2011.

Davis, K. & Partridge, H. (2011). Mobile apptitudes: the public librarian’s m-library toolkit. QPLA Conference 2011: What would Andrew Carnegie think now?! Logan, Queensland. 26-28 September 2011.

Davis, K. (2008). Towards the online branch library: developing online services and collections at Gold Coast City Council Library Services. Beyond the hype: Web 2.0. Brisbane, Qld. 1-2 February 2008.

Davis, K. (2006). Mellennial generation: challenges and opportunities for the library profession. Framing the Future: ARLIS/ANZ Conference. Canberra, A.C.T. 21-23 September 2006.

Invited conference presentations

Davis, K. (2018). Information experience: what is it, and why should you care? 33rd Annual ANZTLA Conference: Connecting: People, Ideas, Learning, Brisbane, 11-14 July 2018.

Davis, K. (2018). I’m not qualified to give this talk: reflections on feeling like an impostor in academia. ResBaz Brisbane 2018, Brisbane, 8 June 2018.

Davis, K. (2014). Setting the scene. Association of Parliamentary Libraries of Australasia (APLA). Brisbane, Australia, 1 August 2014.

Conference posters

Fitzgerald, A., Leach, T., Davis, K., Martin, N., Piper S., Power, M. (2019). STEM clubs: Evaluating an evidence-based evaluative framework. Biennial European Science Education Research Association Conference, Bologna, Italy. 26-30 August 2019.

Keynote presentations

Davis, K. (2012). Six impossible things before breakfast. ALIA Queensland Innovate, Evolve, Create. Brisbane, Australia, 21 November 2012.

Davis, K. (2011). Research and evidence and theory – oh my! Paving your own yellow brick road. Fifth ALIANew Librarians’ Symposium, Perth, W.A. 16-18 September 2011.

Davis, K. (2010). Pimp my career: how to get ahead in library-land. ALIA Access 2010. Brisbane, Qld. 1-3 September 2010. [Stream keynote]

Invited presentations

Davis, K. (2012). From collection to content, opening speech, State Library of Queensland Content Strategy Launch, Brisbane, Qld. 17 October 2012.

Davis, K. (2012). Presentation at Libraries in a Google world, State Library of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld. 21 June 2012.

Davis, K. (2012). The social classroom. Presentation to visiting delegation of Chinese Academics, QUT, Brisbane, Qld. 20 June 2012.

Davis, K. (2011). The social classroom: tools and tips for teaching future social media practitioners. Making connections: innovation in teaching and learning, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 9 June, 2011.


Looking for materials from a workshop you’ve attended? Here you go!

Davis, K., & Sayyad Abdi, E. (2019). Information experience design: Activating information research in practice. ASIS&T. Melbourne, Australia, October 2019.

Davis, K. & Smeaton, K. (2019). Building an engagement toolkit. Information Online 2019, Sydney, N.S.W. 11-15 February, 2019.

Davis, K., Smeaton, K. & Gunton, L. (2018). Building an engagement toolkit: How you can understand your customers, evaluate your programs and services and tell stories of your impact. Asia Pacific Library and Information Conference, Gold Coast, 30 July – 10 August 2018.

Stephens, M. & Davis, K. (2018). Think tank: The evolving role of libraries and information agencies in the digital lives of people and communities. Research workshop, Toowoomba, 24 July 2018.

Sayyad Abdi, E., Davis, K. & Smeaton, K. (2017). Information experience design: improving library customers’ experiences of information. Information Online 2017, Sydney, N.S.W. 13-17 February, 2017.

Davis, K. (2015). DIY Infographics. Queensland University of Technology Library staff training event. Brisbane, Qld.

Davis, K. (2015). Visualising the evidence. University of Queensland Library staff training event. Brisbane, Qld.

Davis, K. (2015). Visualising the evidence. EBLIP8, Brisbane, Qld. 6-8 July 2015.

Davis, K. (2014). Improving student outcomes through alternative teaching methods: rethinking the blend. Blended Learning Summit, Sydney, N.S.W. 14-17 October 2014.

Davis, K. (2014). Reimagining teaching and learning, Trinity College staff retreat, Brisbane, Qld. 18 June 2014.

Davis K. (2012). Repackaging information education, Australian Information Education Symposium, Melbourne, Victoria, 24 June 2012.

McDonald, C., Howard, Z. & Davis K. (2012). Co-design an ILMS for the future (Bootcamp workshop), VALA2012 eM-powering e-futures, Melbourne, Victoria, 9-11 February 2012.

Davis, K. (2010). Participatory public libraries: harnessing emerging web-based technologies for service delivery in public libraries (post-forum workshop), Library 2.0: Advancing library and information services using Web 2.0 tools, Sydney, New South Wales, 9-10 November 2010. [Paid engagement]

Articles in trade publications

Davis, K. (2011 April). Education evolution. inCite, 32(4).

Davis, K. (2010 June). Research and the new librarian. inCite, 31(6), 30.

Davis, K. (2007 August). Virtual librarianship. inCite, 28(8), 16.

Davis, K. (2007 January/February). Bibliotherapy: AskNow Instant Messaging: taking reference services to the user’s desktop. inCite, 28(1), 18.