Visualising the evidence at eblip8

Today I ran a workshop on infographics at the Eighth International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference (aka EBLIP8). I promised to make my presentation and a bunch of materials available online, so here they are! Presentation Visualising the...

Final seminar for my PhD

My final seminar is scheduled for 15 December 2014. It will run simultaneously online and on campus. If you’d like to join us, here are all the details: When: 10am (Brisbane time) 15 December Where: On campus in S304 at Gardens Point campus or online in Adobe...

A social media research case study

Today I’m speaking at a higher degree research student seminar on social media research. I’ll be talking about my PhD study as a case study of social media research. Here are my slides. I mentioned that I set up a page on this site about my study to link...