Today I’m speaking at the Asia Pacific Library and Information Conference in my home town, the Gold Coast. I’ll be talking about information experience online, particularly in social media, and why we need to be thinking about this in the current context.


boyd, d. (2010). Streams of content, limited attention: The flow of information through social media. EDUCAUSE Review, 45, 26-36. Retrieved from

Bruce, C.Davis, K.Hughes, H.Partridge, H., & Stoodley, I. (2014) Information experience: new perspectives and research directions. In Bruce, ChristineDavis, KateHughes, HilaryPartridge, Helen, & Stoodley, Ian (Eds.) Information Experience: Approaches to Theory and Practice. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK, pp. 315-320. If you can’t get your hands on the book, you can access the chapter via QUT ePrints.

HughesH. (2014) Researching information experience: methodological approaches. In Bruce, C.Davis, K.Hughes, H.Partridge, H., & Stoodley, I. (Eds.) Information Experience: Approaches to Theory and Practice. Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, pp. 33-50. If you can’t get your hands on the book, you can access the chapter via QUT ePrints.

Savolainen, R. (2007). Information behavior and information practice: reviewing the ‘umbrella concepts’ of information-seeking studies. The Library Quarterly 77 (2), 109-27.

Sensis. (2018). Consumer statistics. Retrieved August 1, 2018 from

Špiranec, S. & Zorica, M. B. (2010). Information Literacy 2.0: hype or discourse refinement?Journal of Documentation, 66(1), p 140-153. Retrieved August 1, 2018 from

IX studies

You might be interested in taking a look at the following published IX research:

Haidn, I.Partridge, H., & Yates, C. (2014). Informed democracy: information experiences during the 2012 Queensland election. In Du, Jia TinaZhu, Qinghua, & Koronios, Andy (Eds.) Library and Information Science Research in Asia-Oceania : Theory and Practice. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing, pp. 8-23.

Bunce, S.Partridge, H., & Davis, K. (2012). Exploring information experience using social media during the 2011 Queensland floods: a pilot study. Australian Library Journal61(1), pp. 34-45.

Yates, C. & Partridge, H. (2015). Citizens and social media in times of natural disaster: Exploring information experience. Information Research20(1), paper 659.

Librarians and fake news

Check out Glenn Harper’s paper from VALA 2018:

Harper, G. (2018). We need to talk about fake news. VALA 2018. Retrieved from