QUT is hosting the Eighth International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice conference in July. And I’m excited to be running a workshop on infographics and visualisation.


Visualising the evidence

Think you’re not a visual person? Think again! Together, the human eye and brain are geared to effectively and efficiently process visual information. Images transcend divides that are created by language. In fact, images give us a common language. Data visualisation can help us to sense-make, communicate evidence, unravel complex issues, and clarify thinking. In this workshop, we’ll talk about data visualisation, infographics, visual thinking, and information design, and we’ll explore how these can help us to work with evidence. We’ll also look at some simple tools and resources you can use to help you visualise evidence.

Did you know you can register to attend a workshop only? For $95, you can come along to my workshop or one of the other five workshops scheduled for the first day of the conference.


This is one of my favourite conferences, for a bunch of reasons:

  • It’s truly international, pulling delegates from all around the world.
  • It’s small enough to be pretty intimate and not too scary on the networking front.
  • EBLIP3 in Brisbane in 2005 was (I think!) the very first conference I spoke at. Sort of. I was on a debate panel, debating against some serious EBLIP big wigs. And we won! So I didn’t present a paper, but I did get to ‘roast’ (in his own words!) the formidable Andrew Booth (he reminded me of this when I saw him at EBLIP6 in 2011 in Manchester).
  • EBLIP6 in Manchester was the first time I spoke at a conference outside Australia, presenting a paper I co-authored with Zaana Howard. We won both best paper prizes: delegates’ choice and program committee’s choice.

Full registration

Registrations are still open for the full conference and the program looks great. Student registrations are $255 or full registrations are $595.

You can also register for a workshop only for the bargain price of $95. Check out the workshop program. Or just sign up for mine, because it’s going to be a whole lotta fun!

#blogjune 14/30