Social media recruitment messages

Interested in my PhD research? Help me recruit participants by distributing messages about my study.

Twitter messages

Are you a social media mum? Participate in research exploring how new mums use social media. Info: pls RT!

Participate in a PhD study exploring the information experience of new mums in social media. Info: pls RT!

Calling all new mums! If you use social media regularly, we need you! Participate in PhD research. pls RT!

Do u know a new mum who uses social media? Let them know abt this opp to participate in research! Info

Are you a tweeting, facebooking, blog reading new mum? We need you! Participate in research! Info pls RT!

Hey mummy bloggers! We’re looking for social media mums to participate in research. Info pls RT!

Are you a blogging mum or a reader of mummy blogs? Participate in a PhD study. More info: pls RT

Do you tweet between nappy changes and Facebook between feeds? We need you to participate in our study!

New mums! Do u use Twitter, Facebook, blogs, YouTube or other SM tools? Participate in research

Facebook messages

Are you a social media mum? Is your oldest child under two years? Participate in my PhD study exploring how new mums use social media. Participation involves completing a short online survey and two interviews. More information at Please feel free to tell your friends!