I’ve been part of the program committee for ALIA Information Online for several years. In 2021, our usual in-person conference moved online, just like every conference that’s happened in the last year or so. Instead of our usual mutli-stream, three day conference in Sydney, we convened online for a single-stream one day event that was attended by more than 2500 delegates.

Since we had many more ideas for sessions than we could fit into a single-stream, one day event, we’ve also developed a program of half day events around the conference theme of Access or Control, to be held throughout 2021. The Information Online In Depth virtual event series kicks off next week with In Depth: Leadership.

I’ll be chairing a panel session title The road to leadership, which will be a conversation between Roxanne Missingham (University Librarian and Chief Scholarly Information Officer at Australian National University), Trish Hepworth (Director of Policy and Education, Australian Library and Information Association), Liz Jack (Executive Director, Libraries Tasmania) and I.

Here’s the description of the session:

In this virtual fireside chat, a small group of leaders who have walked diverse career pathways within and beyond the library and information professions will share personal insights about leadership. They’ll draw on their experiences with organisational leadership, professional leadership, thought leadership, and leading ‘from the ranks’.

  • What does it mean to be a leader?
  • What does it take to lead?
  • How do you map out a leadership trajectory?
  • What are the challenges in moving between sectors on your leadership journey?
  • Why is succession planning important? Whose responsibility is it? How do we get it right?
  • What does it mean to lead from wherever you are?

This session is for current leaders, leaders in-the-making, those who want to be led, and those who want to lead in the profession without holding a traditional leadership position. The panel will inspire delegates to consider how they can nurture the next generation of leaders, think critically about who they want to be as a leader and how they might get there, and provide leadership around key issues for the GLAM professions.

We would like to crowdsource questions to frame the discussion. If you’ve got a question you’d like to ask, or there’s a question in the description you’d like us to hone in on, we’d love to hear from you. You can add your question in a comment on this post, or tweet it with the hashtag #IO21InDepthQus

There are a range of registration options, including discounted rates for multiple attendees from a single institution. More information is available on the ALIA website.

Keep an eye on the event hashtag #IO21InDepth and follow @ALIAOnline for updates about the event.