On Thursday, Dr Michael Stephens (San Jose State University), Professor Helen Partridge (University of Southern Queensland) and I presented preliminary findings from our research about Australian public librarians’ professional development experiences at the Asia Pacific Library and Information Conference. We drew on survey data to report on perceptions of professional development.

It was an interactive session in which we asked delegates to respond to the same questions as our survey participants. Despite having an audience comprised of people from across the sectors, the audience responses were pretty similar to the our survey data, which dealt particularly with public library staff.

In the second half of the presentation, Michael Stephens facilitated a professional development plan activity where the audience were invited to respond to a series of questions and create a professional development plan.

The slides from our session are embedded below and you can download a copy of the professional development plan template too.

We are still looking for Australian public librarians to participate in interviews about their professional development experience. Find out more about the study or contact Michael (mstephens7@mac.com) to participate in an interview.