Earlier this year, I ran a workshop on infographics at the Eighth International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference (aka EBLIP8). I’ve recently been asked by a few libraries to rerun this workshop for their staff. In the last couple of weeks I’ve run the workshop for QUT Library and UQ Library.

There’s a ginormous blog post to accompany my original workshop materials on the EBLIP8 blog post. This includes lots of info about infographics and a bunch of links to tools and resources.

But, I used an updated slidedeck for both workshops (and a slightly different one for each), and I’ve also made some changes to my Pinterest set up for fonts, design inspo and more.

Let’s go!


DIY Infographics at QUT Library

Visualising the evidence at UQ Library

Please note all icons used in this presentation are from The Noun Project and used without citation because I’m a premium subscriber (just so you know I’m not being dodgy).

Presentation resources

The following links were used in the presentation:

My Pinterest boards

  • Fancy fonts: I pin fonts I see around the place to this board so that I’ve got a cache to pull from when I’m looking for fonts.
  • Design principles: infographics and resources about good design (work in progress).
  • Working with fonts: principles for how to use and combine fonts (work in progress).
  • Fave fonts: fonts I’ve used that I really like (work in progress). I always forget the names of fonts I’ve used and liked, so this board is about helping me remember what I’ve used and have installed on my computer.