PhD study recruitment information

Research team contacts

Principal researcher: Kate Davis
PhD student
Science and Engineering Faculty
Queensland University of Technology

Associate researcher: Professor Helen Partridge
Principal Supervisor
Science and Engineering Faculty
Queensland University of Technology

Associate researcher: Dr Hilary Hughes
Associate Supervisor
Faculty of Education
Queensland University of Technology

What is the purpose of the research?

The purpose of this research is to investigate how new mums use social media, and in particular, their information experience in social media.

Are you looking for people like me?

If you are a new mum (with your oldest child under the age of two years) and you regularly use social media (like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, wikis and parenting websites), we’d really like to hear from you!

What will you ask me to do?

Your participation will involve

  • a questionnaire
  • an interview that will take approximately 30 to 60 minutes, in which you’ll be asked to talk about your use of social media. The interview will be held in a location and at a time convenient to you. The interview will be audio recorded. You are welcome to bring your child/children along with you if you wish
  • a period of social media observation, in which the researcher will follow you in your preferred social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook and your personal or group blog/s
  • a second audio recorded interview at the end of the observation experience, conducted via phone or an application like Skype. This will be an opportunity for you to talk further about your social media experiences.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?

The research team does not believe there are any risks beyond normal day-to-day living associated with your participation in this research.

Are there any benefits for me in taking part?

It is expected that this project will not benefit you directly. However, it may benefit social media, information literacy and information practice researchers. It may also benefit organisations (like health care agencies) by providing them with an understanding of how new mums use social media. This in turn may benefit other new mums.

I am interested – what should I do next?

Read the participant information sheet for more information about the project. If you’d like to participate, contact the principal researcher, Kate Davis on 0411 073 094 or by email at to schedule your interview.